Friday, January 03, 2014

The only constant is change

I had a good rest for 2 weeks in Lyon.  Christmas was spent with friends, and I had a quiet night at home for New Year’s (after 15 years of running a bar, that is one night I prefer not going out).  I walked a lot in Lyon – the weather was not so bad – and discovered a few new things.

I arrived back in Paris yesterday, the 2 January to prepare for my departure to South Sudan.  And this morning, the 3 January, everything changed.  Due to team profiles and numbers, I am now going to Central African Republic (CAR) – conflict situation still, just a change of countries.

This is great for me, because I have never been to CAR before, while last year at this time I was just leaving South Sudan.  It would have been good to see the South Sudan team again, but it is also good to see a new place also.  And I was going to work with some great expatriates in South Sudan with whom I have already worked, but we have a great expat team in CAR also, and I know most of them already.

So rather than leaving tonight, I will leave on Tuesday 7 January to allow time to get the different visa and have another set of briefings. So I have a weekend in Paris – ain’t life tough?  This may give me an opportunity to see some old customers from my bar who are
living in Paris.  That would be great.